“I think that being a mother and a police officer are very similar in a lot of ways. As a mother you are many things…you take care of your children when they are sick, listen to them when they need to feel heard, offer advice when they need it and sometimes when they don’t want it, be a voice of reason in the midst of chaos, a mediator of disagreements, a cheerleader when they are struggling, a shoulder to cry on when they’re feeling down… It’s the same thing as being a police officer really. We are required to be many things to many people and all we can do is be there when people call and do the best we can to help.”
– Cst. Deirdre Ndiaye, RCMP, Bible Hill, N.S.
Cst. Deirdre Ndiaye is a mom of three beautiful daughters, Gracie, Ava, and Amari. She is also a proud Member of the RCMP in Nova Scotia. She recently began working at the Bible Hill Detachment, where her work focuses on sexual assault and domestic violence investigations.
While being a mom and an RCMP Member at the same time has many challenges and differing priorities, Deirdre always strives to be a mom at home and a police officer at work. After a tough day at work, Deirdre tries to use the drive home as time to process her experiences and put them aside, so that she can be present for whatever her family needs when she gets home. However, this isn’t always doable, and she is thankful that her family understands.
“I am sure I have more conversations with my daughters about certain things like the dangers of social media or road safety, than the average parent, but my daughters are used to that by now,” says Deirdre.
For her eldest daughter Gracie, it is more than just being used to it and understanding. Growing up with her mother, and her father as Members of the RCMP fostered her own dream of becoming a Member herself one day. She realized this dream when she graduated from Depot in 2023.
“I don’t remember wanting to be anything else,” says Gracie. “Seeing the impact my parents had on people, made me want to do the same.”

Stationed in New Brunswick, Gracie is just beginning her second year on the job. While it is challenging, she is grateful to get to work with many wonderful colleagues, and for the support she has always received from her family, including her mom.
“I would like to thank my mom for always being there for me. She’s been a major supporter of this journey, from the time I got to Depot in Regina, to today,” says Gracie.
Together with Gracie’s father, Deirdre got to present Gracie with her badge at her graduation.
“That was definitely the highlight of my career. Nothing else will ever top that. The pride I felt on that day as I saw her march in her Red Serge and accept her badge was something I will never forget,” says Deirdre.

She knows that as a mother, there is no greater joy than watching your child’s dream come true. However, Deirdre admits that while wearing her hat as an RCMP Member, she worries knowing Gracie will see some difficult things on the job.
“I have always done my best to try and shield my daughters from the hurt and dangers in the world that I see every day and it’s a tough reality that in a short time this world will look very different to [Gracie]. I always tell her that on tough days to remember her ‘Why’…the why she chose to do this,” says Deirdre.
As her mother, Deirdre knows that Gracie’s big heart and caring nature will make her a great police officer. She is determined and follows through on things she puts her mind to.
“Once she decided this [becoming a Member of the RCMP] was what she wanted to do, there was no doubt in my mind that she would achieve it,” says Deirdre.

2024 marks the 50th anniversary of women in the RCMP and with so many powerful, dedicated and inspirational female Members, like Deirdre and Gracie, it is exciting to think of all that is possible for our female Members in the future.
“My youngest daughter, Amari, who is 3, says that when she grows up, she is going to be a police officer like mommy and Gracie…so who knows what the future holds,” says Deirdre.
Happy Mother’s Day to Deirdre and to all our wonderful Members who are moms, or who play the role of mom and are inspirational role models for the next generation of Members. Thank you for all that you do for your families and your communities. Today, and every day, we celebrate you.