January 12, 2023
Iqaluit, NU – Late last week, a Nunavut RCMP Member was acquitted of Contempt of Court charges laid by a Nunavut Court of Justice (NUCJ) judge in mid-July 2022.
On the morning of July 13, 2022, based on information provided to the RCMP by a local crown prosecutor, an individual who was believed to have intimidated witnesses ahead of their testimony was arrested at the NUCJ Courthouse by our Member, causing that individual to miss a scheduled court appearance.
“We take exception, with the judge’s negative and overblown commentary that accompanied their decision to acquit, which were both unnecessary and damaging to our Member’s reputation, and should not be repeated,” said Chris Voller, Director, Pacific/North Region for the National Police Federation.
While the presiding NUCJ judge took issue with the timing and location of the arrest, leading to their decision to charge our Member and a local crown prosecutor with contempt of court, the National Police Federation fully supports this acquittal because both our Member and the crown prosecutor acted professionally and fully within their legal authority and respective professional Codes of Conduct.
About the National Police Federation:
The National Police Federation (NPF) was certified to represent ~20,000 RCMP Members serving across Canada and internationally in the summer of 2019. The NPF is the largest police labour relations organization in Canada; the second largest in North America and is the first independent national association to represent RCMP Members.
The NPF is focused on improving public safety in Canada by increasing resources, equipment, training, and other supports for our Members who have been under-funded for far too long. Better resourcing and supports for the RCMP will enhance community safety and livability in the communities we serve, large and small, across Canada.
For more information: https://npf-fpn.com/
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Media Contact:
Fabrice de Dongo
Manager, Media Relations
[email protected]
(647) 274-7118