November 21, 2023 

Surrey, B.C. — The following is a statement from Brian Sauvé, President and CEO, National Police Federation, in response to B.C. Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General Mike Farnworth’s repeated negative comments on police response times.  

“Amidst the ongoing police transition in Surrey, we are aware of Minister Mike Farnworth’s recent politically motivated media remarks criticizing police response times in Surrey and more broadly in B.C.  

In 2022, the average police response time to 9-1-1 police emergency (Priority 1) calls from call receipt to police attendance was under seven minutes in the City of Surrey.  

For the Minister of Public Safety to suggest that residents of British Columbia are not receiving a timely response to urgent police calls is disrespectful to our Members and all police who have dedicated their careers and lives to community safety. It fosters an environment of fear among British Columbians.  

We welcomed the $230 million in funding to reinstate 277 RCMP positions in the province by Premier Eby in the first days of his leadership a year ago, and we continue to work with the B.C. RCMP to make strong progress to fill these positions. However, the Minister’s negative and untrue comments only make this more challenging. 

This is yet another example of the unfair criticism our Members have endured during this highly politicized transition. We join the three-quarters (73%) of British Columbians in RCMP- served communities who are satisfied with their police service and thank our Members for their professionalism and commitment to the safety of residents of Surrey and all British Columbians. 

The NPF is calling on Minister Farnworth and the Province to apologize for the false and misleading comment.”  

About the National Police Federation: 

The National Police Federation (NPF) represents ~20,000 RCMP Members serving across Canada and internationally. We are the largest police union in Canada. The NPF is focused on improving public safety for all Canadians, including our Members by advocating for much-needed investment in the public safety continuum. This includes investments in police resourcing and modern equipment, as well as social programs including health, addiction, and housing supports to enhance safety and livability in the many communities we serve, large and small, across Canada. 

For more information: 

NPF:  LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram 

Media Contact 

Sarah Kavanagh
Coordinator, Media Relations
[email protected]
(604) 842-6864