Unfair Labour Practice Complaint win:
In February 2018, the NPF filed an Unfair Labour Practice (ULP) complaint regarding changes to the NCO Promotion process requiring the mandatory completion of the Supervisor and Manager Development Programs (SDP/MDP) before being eligible to promote to the next rank.
The NPF is supportive of more training for Members but had concerns about the RCMP’s ability to not only release Members from operational duties but to also provide the training within the appropriate time. The NPF was not consulted in the implementation of these changes.
The FPSLREB held a hearing on this matter in December 2018 and we are pleased to report that they have ruled in favour of the NPF. This change was a ULP and the changes to the NCO promotion process have been quashed. You can read the entire decision here: (Reason for Decision)
Although the RCMP may decide to appeal to Federal Court, this decision is binding until that appeal is heard and decided.
This is another example of how collective bargaining benefits all of us. The employer cannot make unilateral decisions without consultation and should they, the Membership now has external, independent avenues to hear the merits of the case.
The NPF has many ULP’s ongoing and outstanding for decisions and the scheduling of hearings. As those cases move forward, we will update you.
Canada Beyond the Blue Sessions:
As the NPF continues to develop its partnership with Canada BTB, they are pleased to offer a four-part online program called Pandemic 360. This program requires pre-registration. Instructions for registration can be seen on this poster (password BTBNPF0520) (Pandemic 360 Poster)
Benefits of Membership in Your Labour Representative Agency
Registered members of the NPF receive regular updates on the evolution of labour relations in the RCMP as well as have access to the members-only section of the NPF web page which includes our evolving Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. Stay up to date and register today. https://npf-fpn.com/become-a-member/
In the meantime, here are three other things you can do to help.
- Join the NPF. Click here.
- Share this information with your colleagues.
- Stay informed by downloading our app on iTunes or Google Play. (You don’t need to join or share your personal email to use our app.)