Halifax, NS — Following is a statement from Brian Sauvé, President of the National Police Federation, regarding the Mass Casualty Commission reviews of the death of Constable Heidi Stevenson and the injury of Constable Chad Morrison:
“Our hearts will be with the family, friends, and colleagues of our fallen Member Cst. Heidi Stevenson and those of 21 other innocent victims as the Mass Casualty Commission (MCC) today hears about Heidi’s brave actions and the circumstances surrounding her murder in the line of duty.
As the Commission hears evidence about Cst. Stevenson’s heroic actions to protect Nova Scotians on April 19, 2020, we pause and acknowledge the positive impact she created throughout her life and service with the RCMP.
As we have seen throughout the MCC proceedings, the wounds of grief are still open for all those impacted. Cst. Stevenson’s family, friends and colleagues share in that grief, as do we.
The NPF also recognizes the heroic actions of Cst. Chad Morrison who was shot while attempting to stop the perpetrator from killing more innocent people. Cst. Morrison and his family are also in our thoughts today, as we honour his service.”
About the National Police Federation:
The National Police Federation (NPF) was certified to represent ~20,000 RCMP Members serving across Canada and internationally in the summer of 2019. The NPF is the largest police labour relations organization in Canada; the second largest in North America and is the first independent national association to represent RCMP Members.
The NPF is focused on improving public safety in Canada by increasing resources, equipment, training, and other supports for our Members who have been under-funded for far too long. Better resourcing and supports for the RCMP will enhance community safety and livability in the communities we serve, large and small, across Canada.
For more information: https://npf-fpn.com/
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Media contact:
Fabrice de Dongo
Manager, Media Relations
[email protected]
(647) 274-7118