Edmonton, AB – Following is a statement from Directors of the National Police Federation, in response to a representative from the Alberta Justice and Solicitor General’s office claiming the PwC APPS Transition Study – Final Report as a “feasibility study”.
“The PwC Final Transition study report released months late in November 2021 is not a feasibility study. In fact, the report itself clearly states that, ‘There is a significant amount of further study, analysis, and stakeholder engagement that must be completed to validate the assumptions made in this study, develop a comprehensive detailed organizational structure, service delivery model, deployment model, and to further refine the cost projections presented in this document.[i]’
Simply put, words matter, and this Government has an alarming precedent of being flippant and casual with how they publicly discuss matters that impact all Albertans.
A November 2021 survey conducted by Pollara Strategic Insights found that 92% of Albertans want a detailed accounting of the costs and impacts to police service levels before any changes to policing in Alberta are agreed.
We are alarmed that the Ministry appears to be shirking its accountability to taxpayers by claiming a feasibility study is complete, and in fact going further to insinuate that a proposed transition to a provincial police service has been fully costed out. This is the same Ministry that promised a public consultation on this proposal and is now limiting these discussions to elected officials with no real consultation with Albertans seemingly planned or scheduled.
Albertans deserve a full, thorough, and proper feasibility study, as well as a full costing of this proposal and a real opportunity to have a say on this expensive proposal before any decision is made. They also have a right be heard by their Government and express the same concerns about this proposed transition that we’re hearing throughout the province in our community consultation meetings.
Making any decision before these studies and meaningful public consultation is complete – with all Albertans, not just elected officials – risks leaving Alberta taxpayers on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars in transition expenses, followed by years of delays to implement a service.”
Brian Sauvé, President
Michelle Boutin, Vice President
Kevin Halwa, Director, Prairie/North Region
Jeff McGowan, Director, Prairie/North Region
About the National Police Federation:
The National Police Federation (NPF) was certified to represent ~20,000 RCMP Members serving across Canada and internationally in the summer of 2019. The NPF is the largest police labour relations organization in Canada; the second largest in North America and is the first independent national association to represent RCMP Members.
The NPF is focused on improving public safety in Canada by focusing on increasing resources, equipment, training, and other supports for our Members who have been under-funded for far too long. Better resourcing and supports for the RCMP will enhance community safety and livability in the communities we serve, large and small, across Canada.
For more information: https://npf-fpn.com/ and KeepAlbertaRCMP.ca
Follow us:
NPF: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
KeepAlbertaRCMP: Facebook, Twitter
Media contact:
Fabrice de Dongo
Manager, Media Relations
(647) 274-7118
[i]PwC (2021) APPS Transition Study – Final Report, page 24, paragraph 4