October 16, 2024

Regina, SK — The National Police Federation (NPF) is releasing new data that reaffirms high public support for Saskatchewan’s RCMP and increased support for the province to re-invest funds for the Marshals Service into their local RCMP. 

According to this latest round of public opinion research conducted in late August:  

  • 78% of Saskatchewan residents are satisfied with RCMP policing, including those in rural areas. 
  • Over 3 in 4 Saskatchewanians feel there are more important priorities to deal with than establishing a new Marshals Service.  
  • Twice as many respondents (41%) would invest $20 million into the RCMP rather than a new duplicate police service, like the Marshals.  

“This recent public opinion research shows that increased resources for existing police services, including the Saskatchewan RCMP, as well as reducing response times is a priority for Saskatchewanians now: it cannot wait until 2026,” says Brian Sauvé, President and CEO, National Police Federation.  

“We encourage the provincial government to listen to their residents. We have highly trained RCMP Members throughout Saskatchewan who are already deployed and are well-respected in their communities. Let’s give them the tools and resources they need to better serve the people of Saskatchewan, which is what a majority of residents indicate they want to see happen.” 

Through our OurSKRCMP campaign’s Call to Action, more than 105 municipalities and stakeholders have stated they are worried about the lack of transparency and accountability surrounding the Marshals Service; which has already been allocated $14 million in start-up costs without adequate consultation or engagement with the communities it intends to serve. 

The NPF is committed to providing Saskatchewanians with fact-based and data-driven information about public safety in the province. As Saskatchewan’s population continues to grow and public safety needs evolve, we will continue to work together for a safer Saskatchewan by advocating for the transparency and accountability that residents and our Members deserve.  

About the National Police Federation: 

The National Police Federation (NPF) was certified to represent ~20,000 RCMP Members serving across Canada and internationally in the summer of 2019. The NPF is the largest police union in Canada; the second largest in North America and is the first independent national association to represent RCMP Members. 

The NPF is focused on improving public safety in Canada by focusing on increasing resources, equipment, training, and other supports for our Members who have been under-funded for far too long. Better resourcing and supports for the RCMP will enhance community safety and livability in the communities we serve, large and small, across Canada. 

For more information: https://npf-fpn.com/ and https://oursaskrcmp.ca  

 Media contact:

Sarah Kavanagh
Communications and Media Relations Advisor
[email protected]