I already pay union dues, why do we need to pay another 10$ to become a registered Member?
The one-time $10 fee is to have access to Member’s only content. This is a one-time fee which is separate from your monthly union dues. To be compliant with the RAND decision from the Supreme Court of Canada, most Unions established a nominal one-time Membership fee to become a registered full Member of the union. There is a clear distinction between having representation and benefits of a union vs. Membership in a union.
What rights do I have as a registered Member of the NPF?
The rights of registered Members are defined in the NPF bylaws. These include:
- The right to vote on the Collective Agreement.
- The right to vote in NPF elections for Board Directors, Local Area Representatives, and Annual General Meeting Delegates.
- The right to run as a candidate for Board, LAR and Delegate positions, subject to qualifications identified in the bylaws and policies.
- The right to attend the annual Regional Members’ Meetings.
- The right to attend, as an observer, the AGM. (Only elected Delegates have the right to attend the AGM in person, and vote on resolutions.)
- The right to submit a proposal for consideration at an Annual General Meeting. (Proposals must be sponsored by an AGM delegate in order to be considered and voted on at an AGM.)
- The right to attend and vote at Special Meetings of Members. (Special meetings are rare. They only occur if Members agree to hold a special meeting via petition.)
How can I sign up to receive Member updates and gain access to the perks offered by the NPF?
To become a Member of the NPF and have access to exclusive Member updates, surveys, voting, etc., please complete your registration here: https://npf-fpn.com/create-account/. Please note that we recommend our Members to always use their personal email account when registering/communicating with the Union. This helps avoid any potential firewall issues and allows communication even if you are on leave or do not have access to the employer’s email.
When can I expect reimbursement for the deducted dues while I’m in a position the RCMP proposes excluding from the NPF?
You are in a position that is being “disputed” (from being in the NPF) by the RCMP. Your dues were deducted and then held in trust by the RCMP. Once the FPSLREB makes a decision on if your position will be:
- excluded from the NPF, your dues will be returned to you by the RCMP.
- or not, in which case, your dues will be sent to the NPF.
We estimate that we may have a decision by the FPSLREB in late 2024 or 2025.
When can I expect reimbursement for the deducted dues while I’m in an acting role excluded from NPF?
If you are in an acting role excluded from NPF, the RCMP National Pay Operations will stop or retroactively deduct NPF dues for any full month when you did not occupy a position represented by the NPF.
If my position is proposed for exclusion, how will this impact my Membership status with NPF?
The RCMP has about 500 job codes that they are arguing should be outside NPF Membership. It was originally over 1200. This letter simply identifies that this Member’s job code is one of those that the RCMP is PROPOSING stays outside NPF Membership.
No final decisions have been made. The RCMP and NPF continue to discuss this issue. Ultimately, the matter will go to the FPSLREB sometime in late 2024 or 2025 for a decision if no final agreement made.
Till then, Members will continue to be represented by the NPF.
Please refer to the RCMP Infoweb, Human Resources/Your Workplace/CMLR for additional information.
Where can I access and update my account profile?
Please visit the following link to log in to your account: https://npf-fpn.com/account-centre/.