Morgan Buckingham is an elected Board Director with the National Police Federation (NPF) and an RCMP Staff Sergeant who is proud to serve the 20,000 members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) as they build their first-ever union and inaugural Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Morgan has over 21 years of diverse policing experience in front-line policing, plainclothes investigative units, Human Resources, and Labour Relations. He has served in northern isolated communities, busy municipal detachments, organized crime units, and homicide units. He spent much of his career as an undercover operator and has ran the divisional undercover program. He was both a Career Manager and the divisional lead for Regular Member Staffing, as well as spent time in two different Labour Relations regimes. His combined duties have regularly taken him across Canada and internationally.
Morgan has not only received significant operational, administrative, HR, and Labour Relations training, but regularly delivers these types of trainings. He has received formal recognition for his delivery of training to foreign police agencies.
Within Labour Relations, Morgan has sat on numerous National and Divisional Committees including Relocation, IPGHD, Staffing, and Safety. He was a Board Director on the Mounted Police Members Legal Fund for six years, which is a private not-for-profit legal program protecting Canadian Police officers. Within the NPF, Morgan is on the Collective Bargaining team, the Governance Committee, the Member Services Committee, and the Nominations & Elections Committee. He also leads the NPF sides of both the joint National Staffing Task Force and the joint Promotions Task Force. His passion is the strategic growth and development of the organization. He helped to secure the first-ever Collective Bargaining agreement in 147 years of RCMP history. He values the use of media and social media in pursuing the mandate of the NPF.
Morgan has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Saskatchewan and withdrew from law school to pursue a career with the RCMP. He was born and raised in Saskatchewan and is a second-generation police officer. His wife, Kim, is a registered nurse and they have three children. In his spare time, he enjoys travel, exercise, spending time with family and friends, and playing soccer.