November 24, 2023 

Fredericton, N.B — The following is a statement from the National Police Federation, in response to the Councils of Carleton North and Hartland’s proposal to the Province of New Brunswick to replace the RCMP with a new regional police service.  

“Although the NPF welcomes policing service reviews, we are disappointed to see the Councils of Carleton North and Hartland move forward with a proposal for a police transition without meaningful consultation or transparency with residents. This is contrary to the requirements outlined in the province’s Police Service Delivery Model Process Guide. They’ve also not considered that the Province will be adding six more RCMP officers to their region, which will increase police resources and presence.  

For the new police service, the Councils’ projected operating costs of $3.2 million for year one, and transition costs of $4.1 million simply do not square up with actual costs. The Councils have failed to consider essential costs such as training, outfitting police vehicles, 911 dispatch services, and the overlapping of two police services during the transition process. This means that residents can expect the final bill to be much more.   

We know from proposed transitions in other jurisdictions that taxpayer costs can increase quickly with some proposing property tax increases of 15%. It is unfair to the residents of Carleton North and Hartland that they were not consulted on an expensive and unwanted police transition. Even worse, when they had the opportunity to be consulted during Open Houses both Councils only presented their completed transition plan and said the decision has already been made. On the Councils’ rushed timeline and hidden proposed police transition, residents have not had the appropriate time or platform to engage on this important issue.  

We strongly urge Public Safety Minister Kris Austin to consider the violation of the process guide and pause this proposal until all voices are heard on this important matter and all costs are accounted for.” 

The NPF is currently running a letter-writing campaign for residents who wish to keep the RCMP. Please visit to learn more.  

About the National Police Federation: 

The National Police Federation (NPF) represents ~20,000 RCMP Members serving across Canada and internationally. We are the largest police union in Canada. The NPF is focused on improving public safety for all Canadians, including our Members by advocating for much-needed investment in the public safety continuum. This includes investments in police resourcing and modern equipment, as well as social programs including health, addiction, and housing supports to enhance safety and livability in the many communities we serve, large and small, across Canada. 

For more information: 

NPF:  LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram 

Media Contact 

Sarah Kavanagh
Coordinator, Media Relations
[email protected]
(604) 842-6864