As previously updated, the NPF filed an Unfair Labour Practice complaint regarding the Federal Direct Entry Pilot Project (FDEPP) the RCMP had advertised on July 24, 2023. The NPF sought an expedited hearing at the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board (FPSLREB). The FPSLREB held a hearing November 14-16, 2023. We now wait on the FPSLREB to render a decision and both parties have asked for it to be expedited, as the FDEPP is set to begin in January 2024.
The NPF filed this ULP alleging the Employer had breached the “statutory freeze” while bargaining was ongoing and for engaging in “bad faith bargaining”. At no time was the NPF approached or consulted in a meaningful fashion regarding this program, nor had the FDEPP concept been advanced at the bargaining table by the Employer.
NPF Vice President Dennis Miller and Central/Atlantic Board Director Steve Madden gave extensive evidence that this initiative, launched by the Deputy Commissioner of Federal Policing, would have resounding repercussions across the RCMP. Further evidence was provided in relation to changes to existing processes including cadet training, course training standards, engagement, probationary periods, circumventing existing policies, and the collective agreement. These changes equate to significant concerns and potentially putting Members and the public’s safety at risk.
The NPF will update as this file progresses.